Junior Amateur Talent Competition - 2018
In 2018, the Taylor County Fair will be hosting the FIFTH annual Junior Amateur Talent Competition!
Official Rules
Rules are managed by the Wisconsin State Fair and you can get the full list here. All local talent must follow the same rules and regulations regarding size of act, equipment used, etc.
Local Rules
Please preregister using the link below and be specific about your electronic or instrument needs. A keyboard piano may be provided but please plan to bring any other instrument you need. If you have a pre-recorded accompaniment, please burn it individually onto a formatted CD or have it set up on an MP3 player for ease of setup.
The competition will be on Saturday, July 28, 2018, at the Taylor County, 1 pm under the white tent, at the corner of Highways 13 & 64 in Medford, WI. Competitors are encouraged to check-in at noon, arrive early and be prepared to perform. No special dressing or rehearsal areas will be provided, however there are indoor restrooms on the grounds.
Preregistration Required
To register for your participation in the Taylor County Fair, fill out this form.
What will I win?
Local competitors will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons for each age category. The top winner (individual or total act) in each age category will be offered an opportunity to compete at the state fair. Please be prepared to make that decision at the time of the competition. If the winner declines, the next ranking winner for that category may be offered the opportunity. The Taylor County Fair will provide a sponsored stipend (per act, not per person) to assist with travel costs. Other costs are the responsibility of the participant(s).